Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beginning of my BLOG!!!

I don't know anything about writing a blog but i feel like most days I have random questions and thoughts about life! I also like to talk about my kids ALOT...I have 2, the oldest is 3 going on 30 and the youngest is 6 months. I am 31 years old and have been married for 5 1/2 years to a man that of course trys my patience but I love him. I know my life is not all that exciting but I wanted a place to talk about my wonders.

As I watch both the kids lay on the floor one chewing on her fingers the other...."can I watch something" "can I have a piece of gum" "i'm hungry" the questions never end with her, are things interesting enough that other people will care? Oh well!! Now that I have decided to put my thoughts out here I really can't come up with anything interesting to say:(

Maybe I will return....